We all tend to have full-blown life, be mobile and never know what the pain is. However, the human body has a complex structure. The more we get older, the more changes in our bodily systems happen, and sometimes we have to go through the dark times caused by health issues. One of the most insidious disorders is arthritis, which affects joints and can be diagnosed at any age. Faced with that disease, we begin to care about our bodies more to reduce painful symptoms. A significant part of complex arthritis treatment is considered massage. You should pay attention to some points before applying this type of therapy.
Massage Gun vs. Arthritis Pain
Degenerative joint damage is a severe illness that might cause dangerous effects and complications. People with arthritis could have joint immobility, muscle spasms, and violation of blood circulation. Timely treatment and prevention could save joint health a long time. Massage, providing physical influence, might be helpful thanks to potent therapeutic action:
- Recovery of blood and lymph circulation;
- Removing of swelling;
- Prevention of soft tissue atrophy;
- Reducing painful symptoms.
Different massage methods can be practiced depending on the form and stage of the disorder. The procedures are performed at the hospital or at home independently. If your case is supposed for homely massage treatment, you can carry out the procedure using a special massager. To get expert information about all the pros and cons of modern massage guns, you could read the massageforbody blog. It is a user-friendly guide about all kinds of massagers.
Say “No” to Self-Treatment
At first view, massage seems like something simple and needless specific knowledge. But you should remember it is a medical procedure that might be harmful if you carry it out on your own in the wrong way. Therefore, before embarking on using massage therapy to treat arthritis pain, you must consult with a doctor. A specialist will examine your case and determine the sessions’ duration, number, and regularity. Moreover, massage to cure arthritis is prescribed only in remission and during the chronic course of the illness. Doctors don’t recommend massage during worsening arthritis, pain attacks, swelling, or an advanced form of the disease.
Here is a list of cases when massage therapy is contraindicated:
- Acute inflammatory processes;
- Exacerbation of infectious diseases;
- Fever, chills, nausea;
- Disorders of hematopoietic organs;
- Physical exertion;
- Increased joint pain;
- Open wounds, abscesses;
- Post-infarction conditions, psychosis;
- Urolithiasis, inguinal hernia.
When choosing a massager gun, you should check out a manual carefully to learn other specific cases of contraindications.
Closing Thoughts
Arthritis can cause unbearable pain, and it is vital to find the proper treatment to alleviate this suffering. All means are good, which your doctor approved, including home massage therapy. This additional method might provide short-term relief from pain and stiffness, helping turn back your mobility and joy from life.